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Simon Lilly

MA Hons Fine Art (University of Edinburgh), F.ICGT

Simon trained as a Fine Artist and Sculptor and has always valued the power of visual and poetic/magical imagery to directly communicate with the unconscious mind.


A major part of his work focuses on helping people to become aware of nature energies.


He creates artwork and sculptures and writes books, these days mostly poetry and history.


Personal Talismans, jewellery, wood artefacts: TreeSeer Etsy Shop














Sue Lilly

Cert. Ed., F.ICGT., QTLS.,BFVEA Tutor, CMBAPS (Astrology), CiLCA (Wales)

Between 1978 and 1993 Sue trained as yoga teacher, counsellor, colour therapist, crystal therapist, astrologer and Health Kinesiologist. She also has diplomas in Nutrition and Clinical/Creative Supervision & Mentoring.


Sue is the current Chair of the Crystal Therapy Council.


She works closely with the energies of the Land and aims to keep her teaching and writing straightforward and concise to enable many people to have access to information and techniques that enable them to move towards developing their full potential.


Sue is also a qualified Council Clerk and Internal Auditor, supporting her local council and the residents where she lives.




Simon and Sue have been involved in many aspects of healing for over forty years.     


They have developed and produced Green Man Essences and their wide range of companion essences since 1991. They have a wide experience in teaching a range of subjects including Tree Spirit Healing, Essences, Crystal Therapy, Core Shamanic techniques, Astrology, etc. Over the last twenty five years they have written over 30 books.

Sue is a tutor member of The British Flower and Vibrational Essences Association (BFVEA) and both belong to The British Association of Flower Essence Producers (BAFEP).


In 2005 they set up Tree Seer Publications to enable them to publish books that are too specialist to interest mainstream publishers.


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